Amazing artificial grass complex just completed

professional synthetic grass putting green and boccee court

Wow! Celebrity Greens In Houston, Texas really knocked it out of the park this time!!! Check out this incredible outdoor artificial grass complex: complete with a beautiful synthetic turf putting green, a bocce ball court, a lush green lawn, and even a walking track!!!  

Artificial Turf Is Great For Children’s Safety.

Children need to play. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics concluded that play is so important that it opposes increasing the amount of time children spend learning in a classroom if that means decreasing the amount of time they spend on the playground. “Ironically, minimizing or eliminating recess may be counterproductive to academic achievement, […]

Synthetic Turf for Commercial Applications

driving range synthetic turf design

Get the Look and Feel of Natural Grass Without the Cost to Maintain It. High quality synthetic turf has become a fast growing solution for business and commercial operations that want the look and feel of natural grass without the cost and work to maintain it. Celebrity Green’s founder and his team bring over 15 […]

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